Romans 8:21 -
Corruption is a destructive force that stains the purity and brilliance of an entity, hindering the potential of a living creation to reach their true purpose. Bondage keeps something or someone in a state of restriction, unable to freely shine as a unique star, that they are. Corruption can be in the material world, or it creeps into the thought life of a person creating a dark pathway into their mind, these become bad habits and the tracks in the mind need to be rewritten. When a metal object becomes corrupt, it loses its shine and luster and it will need a good polish to restore its strength and conductive properties. What happens when you have lost your shine? You have been corrupted somehow.
Deliverance is a strong word that depicts a powerful rescue and cleansing from a captive state. If the metal is corrupted and it is connected to an energy source, the connection is lost and the electrical power will not flow and then the light will no longer shine.
What are we delivered into? Into the glorious liberty of being the sons and daughters of God. What does this previlage mean? It means, as He is so are we in this world. As Jesus moved when He was on this earth, so can we in the greater works He has determined for us to experience. We are now His Body to carry out His plans on earth to effect mankind for good, Jesus went around doing good and freeing all of the oppressed. In this state of freedom provided by His grace, in Him we live and move and have our being flowing in the divine nature, we are no longer corrupted and have the freedom to shine, having received by faith a healthy connection to the power source. Liberty speaks of real freedom and ability to move and have no restraint. Liberty is freedom. A son of God has real liberty, because he is in a relationship, that gives him certain rights and privileges to move freely.
The creation itself is delivered from the bondage of corruption.
This is amazing! Even the creation will also, be liberated by the corresponding liberty that the sons of God experience, the sons of God have the glorious liberty to move freely and affect everything around them.
It is ok to be an environmentalist who has concern for the waste and pollution which is the corruption of a natural healthy, beautiful world.
Creation is a powerful word that implies many layers of a progressive, multi-faceted, dynamic work and as our scientists and the great Einstein type minds of exploration are discovering in this fast paced, knowledge explosion age, there is a lot to it than meets the eye.
There is hidden depths to creation and mysteries that surround the laws and governance of the properties of energy and creative forces that provide our existence in a time space dimension.
In the beginning God said to man - "populate, be fruitful and have dominion."
When one element is out of alignment or corrupt, it seems to have a flow on affect to other things related to it.
When man fell from his position of being in charge of the creation, which is this world, things apparently went corrupt, as the ruler of darkness took over by stealth and man lost his place as the true ruler of the planet.
So, when mankind truly steps into his restored position as a son of God with liberty to move, Devil! (Snake) look out! Creation rejoice, for the sons of God will reestablish and remove corruption, under the True Authority of God, as He is the genuine source of miracles of restoration.
When will we see this liberty come upon the earth and make a global impact?