The nature of the friend or foe!

This is an interpretation of the scorpion and the fox fable.

Why would a clever cunning fox take on board the stinging scorpion?

The fox is clever and he knows the scorpion can sting and kill him.
The scorpion is more sinister however.
He just says "of cause I wont sting you otherwise we both drown."
This is a good argument.
Who would be insane enough to take themselves out as well as their enemy?
Well in actual fact it does happen.

The fox is cunning but he doesnt have a nature that takes others out and especially himself in the process and he believes this is a pretty crazy thing to do, so he is led to believe in a false security that he can partner with the scorpion, as they will both make it to the other side due to the fact that he believes the scorpion would never dream of the idea of killing himself in the process of stinging the fox in the middle of a deep river where both will drown.
However, this is not what eventuates as we see in this story, the scorpion can only be a scorpion and thats what he does, no matter what, even if it leads him to death, he aint changing, "thats who I am and what I do!!!"
The story goes, take me the scorpion across the river sitting on your head of the fox and I wont sting you otherwise we both drown. The fox has swum the river many times on his own no problem and considers the request, believing the scorpion wont be crazy enough to sting him.

However, the scorpion did sting him.
The fox cries in disbelef and shock "why did you sting me, now we will both drown?"
The scorpion says, "thats what I do and what I am"

This is the nature of the beast.
He might appear to be a friend but he is indeed a foe.

You do have to wonder why would the fox take him on board anyway?
He didnt need to include the scorpion in his journey, he could've happily crossed over without the hideous stinging creature.
What is the lesson?
Never help anyone who promises you all sorts of cooperation and no harm?
Firstly let us look at a possibility with the fox.
He is cunning and resourceful and talented, he can make it on his own.
However, the fox is not the most daunting creature known, more likely timid in nature and thats why he is devious, he cant intimidate others so needs to resort to other cunning tricks to get things done.
So along comes this hideous creature, mean with a deadly sting and quite persuasive.
Maybe the fox is thinking well it wouldnt hurt to partner with such an aggressive creature, we could work well together, my skills with his deadly strike.
Or was he just curious, trusting that the scorpion wouldnt kill himself in the process of this negotiation.

I think there is a lesson somewhere here, the scorpion has a nature that wont change and is deadly, thats what he does and who he is, he wont change.
So if we listen to his suggestions and take him for a ride we are going to get stung and we wont make it to the other side.
Also, the scorpion is a practiced liar, beyond just cunning he is sinister.
You just cant trust him not ever.

All sorts of ideas, suggestions, partnerships come our way, we need to decide what choice we make with the things that come along for a ride on our journey.

Have you been stung by the scorpion?
Didnt make the other side?
Felt betrayed let down and cheated in life?

OR................ you got sucked in by the lure of the scorpion.

Galatians 5
Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

Galatians 5
16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.
18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
This is the battle within.
There is an internal war going on and sometimes it is the enemy within that wars against us which will attract the enemies that are from the outside to jump on board.
The old nature is a devious foe and has one thing in mind, to jump on board, get on our heads, ride with us as we attempt to go to the other side, convincing us that it is all OK.
The lie is it wont harm us at all, just come along for the ride, after all we have known this voice all along and it has been our companion in times past. But now we become aware of the sting, still the curiosity and persuasion gets us in and we believe it will work out. We dont really consider the consequences, just go on ahead even though there is no need at all to take this fellow for a ride.
He stings us, thats what he does and thats who he is.
The flesh or the old sinful nature dont change for nobody.
Only way is to rule by the spirit, be led by the spirit and we wont fulfill the lies of the sting.
This applies to unholy connections, they are within and they are from without on the outside drawn to us by our wrong desires.

There is a scorpion king, his ultimate goal is to kill steal and destroy, dont trust him and his lies.

Romans 5:17 17 For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
So there is the nature that leads to death and it is reigning in our lives.
Until we switched camps, put on Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, allow Him to be our King, since He is the King of kings and above all, we can now rise above all and rule and reign with Him and this is the gift that He freely gives to those who receive by faith who He is in us.

Luke 10:18-20New King James Version (NKJV) 18 And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
20 Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven."
Jesus says trample on them dont let them come for a ride.

Our fight it is within and it is without.

I like this explanation found online.
From within means that the door was opened by someone or something on the inside.
From without means that the door was opened by someone or something on the outside. 29Mar17

You and I dont have to let the scorpion on our backs and be stung.
Jesus said "go and sin no more".
How can He say that when He knows our nature?
We have a new identity in Him.
2 Corinthians 5:17 New King James Version (NKJV) 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

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New King James Version was used for most Bible references.

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